My Classroom Rules:

1. Follow directions the first time they are given

2. Have a good attitude and try your best

3. Show respect and remember to S.L.A.N.T. (copy ofS.L.A.N.T. poster here)


My behavior management plan is based on an economic system. For following my rules, students are able to earn three Tiger Bucks. At the end of the week, they have the chance to earn 15 Tiger Bucks! Once students have earned enough Tiger Bucks, they may trade in their Tiger Bucks for a small reward from the classroom store. Store items may be pencils, erasures, or any other fun small treat.

Consequences for not following the rules:

My focus is always on postive praise. However, sometimes, you need to have a talk with a student who is not following classroom rules. Normally, a talk is all that is needed. However, here are my steps to redirect misbehaviors:

First step: Talk with the student about the wrong choices that they are making and go over the correct choices they should be making.

Second Step: If student chooses to contine their misbehavior, then I will inform the classroom teacher and discuss appropriate consequences.

Third Step: Contact parents/guardians.

Fourth Step: Office Referral. This is always the very last resort.

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